Top 4 Types of Venues Used In Marriage Proposals

new york romantic rooftop proposal
new york romantic rooftop proposal
Proposal Planner: The Heart Bandits Photographer: Wandermore Photography

In the course of planning over 4,000 marriage proposals over the last decade, I have set up proposals at all sorts of venues. But there are 4 types of venues that I am constantly planning proposals at and once you start offering Proposal Planning services, you will too.

If you are a Wedding Planner, you may have experience planning weddings at some of these types of locations. However, planning events for just two people is something you may not be used to so this article can still provide some new perspective for you. If you are just getting started in the Event Planning world, this may be all new to you.

1. Beaches & Parks

For the costal cities, setting up a proposal on the beach is probably the most common request. I always tell my clients, every single piece of land in the world is owned by someone whether it be the city, state, private property, etc. So you always want to check if you need a permit to set up items OR for photography. If there is no photography and the setup you are doing consists of things likely to be at a beach (like a picnic), you probably don’t need a permit. However, you should always check. For the non-costal cities, parks are also very popular and the same advice I just gave for beaches applies.

2. Rooftops

In cities like NYC and San Francisco, rooftops are frequently requested for proposals. I love a good rooftop, but a rooftop proposal comes with its fair share of challenges such as exposure to inclement weather. Also, even the smallest gust of wind can be amplified on a rooftop and keeping things down can be a hassle.

3. Private Homes & Airbnb

I love planning proposals in my client’s homes because you don’t have to deal with getting permission in most cases. However, Airbnb’s can be a challenge because many owners specifically say you cannot hold events on their property. So you or your client need to clear anything you do with the owner so that there are no problems.

4. Ballrooms

Ballrooms in hotels are a great location for a marriage proposal. They are usually very grand and a lot of them have nice views. The challenge is that they are normally large so you have to create an intimate space within a space. But hey, that’s the fun part right….being creative!

So there you have it. The Top 4 Types of Venues Used In Marriage Proposals along with some pros and cons of using them.

Download my FREE resources below if you want to get started Proposal Planning.

4 Things You Can Start Doing Now To Start Proposal Planning

Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy

If you are a Wedding Planner, you have to check out this FREEBIE:

3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Services NOW!

Proposal Planning During The Pandemic

proposal planning during the pandemic
proposal planning during the pandemic

I just wrapped up my 4th FREE masterclass this week called, “3 Simple Secrets You Need To Know To Effectively Market To The Proposal Planning Client.” (If you missed it and want the replay in the next 48 hours, email me at One of the questions that my students kept asking is, “Are you still planning proposals during the pandemic?” And the answer is, YES!!!

I’ll be honest, in March when the pandemic first hit it shook the entire world. No one was calling that month to get engaged. Everyone was in shock and getting used to our new world. And as a business owner, I was using that time to brainstorm how I could pivot my business when people were ready to buy again – just like you!

Fortunately for me, proposals typically only involve the couple, so we were able to get back to work pretty quickly. And you know what, I think the pandemic made people realize even more that they were with the right person, because we got very busy. But still, things looked a bit different. Instead of renting out elaborate venues, our clients were asking us to come to their homes and either completely transform the inside OR to decorate the facade of their houses. I actually found it refreshing to be able to plan such intimate proposals in the environment where the couple had shared so many memories.

When things opened a little more, we started doing really pretty setups on the beach, parks, airbnb’s, hotel rooms, and venues (depending on the city we were planning in). We also got to be creative and do social distancing flash mobs and musical performances where the musicians had on masks that spelled out “Will You Marry Me?”

So as you can see, Proposal Planning during the pandemic is very much still going on. And this is why I encourage you Wedding Planners, no…. I URGE you, to start offering Proposal Planning services. Not only will it help you get through this time period but when life goes back to normal, you will already have this service set up and working for you.

===>>>Not convinced yet, download my FREE Resource, “Top 3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Services Now.”

If you are convinced and you are ready to get started, you have 2 options.

Option 1: You start setting up Proposal Planning services on your own

Download my FREE Resource, “4 Things You Can Start Doing TODAY TO Start Proposal Planning.”

Download my FREE Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy and get started working on that marketing plan.

Option 2: You want a step-by-step implementation guide with proven results so that you launch quickly and do it right the first time

Introducing Proposal Planning Formula™.

In Proposal Planning Formula™, I’ve taken everything I have learned over the last decade about Proposal Planning and marketing marriage proposal services (over 4,000 proposals planned and $5M revenue earned), and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation plan teaching you not only how to effectively start offering Proposal Planning, but to actually EXECUTE a marketing strategy that provides results.

Proposal Planning Formula™ is the only course of its kind that teaches you how to launch quickly, provides you a complete marketing plan, and focuses on maintenance.  

To learn more, all you have to do is head to

Whichever option you do, I fully support you and just know you will do great things.

3 Mistakes Wedding Planners Make When Marketing Proposal Planning Services

proposal planning

If you weren’t able to make it to my Facebook Live today, don’t worry, I have you covered. I discussed the 3 Mistakes Wedding Planners Make When Marketing Proposal Planning Services (and how to fix them asap!) Don’t feel like watching the video? Let me recap it for you here.

Now whether you have tried offering Proposal Planning but it hasn’t had any traction OR you haven’t even started offering it yet but you want to make sure you do it the right way, learning from these mistakes will be critical to the success of your marketing strategy. 

And the good news is, they are easy to fix!

Mistake #1: Not Properly Advertising Proposal Planning Services

When I started Proposal Planning Academy and became a Proposal Planning Coach, I interviewed several Wedding Planners and asked them why they were not yet offering Proposal Planning services. Some of their answers truly surprised me because some of them said, “I do already offer it!” But when I asked them WHERE they are advertising the service, some of them said WeddingWire.

Now here is a tip, guys that are looking to plan a marriage proposal are NOT looking on Wedding Wire for a planner. In fact, I challenge you to find 5 guys that are not married that have even heard of Wedding Wire.

You have to be intentional with your decision on how to market your services.

This fix is totally doable right?

Mistake #2: Calling the Proposer the “Groom”  in your messaging

This is actually my pet peeve! A client that is looking to propose literally just made the biggest decision of their life up until this point. They just bought the ring, they are looking for the perfect proposal idea, and you already have them walking down the aisle in a tuxedo!! PUMP THE BRAKES!

These client’s are not ready to see themselves as a groom yet.  They are just taking the first step to finally ask someone to marry them.  They don’t want to be rushed.  You need to meet them where they are.  You should call the person proposing, the Proposer.  

Easy enough right?

Mistake #3: Not knowing where they hangout online

You probably know exactly where a bride hangs out online, right? They are on the Green Wedding Shoes Blog, the Ruffled IG account, and The Knot. But you know what, your target market who is predominately male, is NOT! You need to figure out where he hangs out online if you want to learn more about him.

This is good stuff right?

Do you see how even avoiding these 3 steps can really get you on the right path to attracting Proposal Planning clients?  Imagine what it would feel like if you intimately understood the Proposer and knew EXACTLY how to target them?  Well, if you liked today’s LIVE and blog, I have even more to share with you.  I have a free Masterclass coming up in a few days and you won’t want to miss this.

The free Masterclass is called, “3 Simple Secrets You Need To Know To Effectively Market To The Proposal Planning Client” and I am going to share intimate details about who the Proposer is, what they fear, and what they want to spend money on.

 Plus, I will have more time for some real-time Q&A if you have any questions. Go to to get all the details… it will be live, so you don’t want to miss it. I hope to see you there!” 

Why Saying You’re A Proposal Planner Isn’t Enough

epic proposal idea
How Mike proposed to Candace with an intimate New York floral rooftop proposal at Ink48 and planned by The Heat Bandits Photo credit: © Petronella Photography

I’ve been in this industry a long time. 10 years to be exact. I have seen many “Proposal Planners” come, and many of them go. The reason that I think they end up quitting is this. A lot of people think that you can simply add “Proposal Planning” services to your website and you will start getting Proposal clients. But the truth is, if you want to become a Proposal Planner, that’s not enough.

The reality is that there are several very reputable Proposal Planning companies on the market now. So if you want to throw your hat in the ring, you are going to have to do a lot more than just use the term on your website.

Now, I know what you might be thinking.

You might be thinking, UGH, this is too much work. But the reality is that anything worth having does take some time and effort to build. But successfully marketing Proposal Planning doesn’t have to be some huge, impossible, overwhelming undertaking.

In fact, in my upcoming course Proposal Planning Formula™ I will teach you everything you need to know about successfully marketing Proposal Planning.

But for now, here are some questions I want you to think about when you are wondering why you aren’t getting enough or any Proposal Planning clients? Get out a piece of paper and write the answer to these questions.

  1. Does your website and social media really speak to that audience? If not, what are some ways you can start doing that?
  2. Are you addressing their pain points? Do you understand their pain points?
  3. Do your assets make it seem like Proposal Planning is an afterthought?
  4. What would make someone trust you to plan their proposal versus other established companies?

Now I want you to really spend some time thinking how you can improve on your answer for each section.

In my upcoming course, I teach you how to properly address all of these things. But this is something you can also start doing on your own if you really want to create a transformation in your business.

I also created a FREE resource for you to help you get started on your Proposal Planning journey. It’s called 4 things you can start doing TODAY to start Proposal Planning. If you are serious about Proposal Planning, this is a great place to start.

I’d also love to invite you to our Proposal Planning Academy Tribe where you can ask questions and get support along your journey! When you join, leave a message letting us know you downloaded the resource and tell us what you are looking for in a Proposal Planning Coach.

I’ll see you there!

Think Proposal Planning Is Just Like Wedding Planning? Think Again!

marriage proposal in ballet theater
marriage proposal in ballet theater

For the established Wedding Planner, you’ve planned elaborate weddings with a lot of moving parts. (If you are new to Wedding Planning, don’t worry, this article is still for you!) You have executed flawless weddings with complicated timelines. And yes, that experience WILL definitely help you as you embark on this how to be a proposal planner journey.

But I am willing to bet that MOST of you haven’t had to organize the entire cast of the Nutcracker and make sure the proposer hits his knee as soon as the song crescendos with NO REHEARSAL! I am getting hives just thinking back on it.

Or has anyone had to work with a magician and make a client disappear in a cloud of smoke to set off a scavenger hunt? Coordinate a rose petal shower with a drone? Dress up as a Knight to play a role in a medieval proposal?

These are just some of the few crazy things I have been asked to do in my 10 year career as a Proposal Planner. And this is one of the reasons I want to address a misconception that if someone plans weddings, they can easily also plan proposals. Now, I am not saying they can’t do it, but it is not as EASY as a shift as one might think. Here are a few reasons why:

1) No Rehearsals

One aspect of Proposal Planning that is COMPLETELY different than Wedding Planning is that with a marriage proposal, there are no rehearsals. Sure, if you are a lucky and your client actually lives nearby the proposal location AND they can sneak away from their partner, they may do a walk through. But the person he is proposing to will never be there so there will always be a chance that things could go in a direction you never saw coming. And because of that, you have to see everything coming.

2) One Person Is In The Dark

As I mentioned above, one huge challenge to Proposal Planning is that one person that will be experiencing the proposal is always in the dark. With weddings, for the most part, the Bride and the Groom are in on what is going to happen that day. Sure there might be a surprise here and there, but mostly they are on the same page. However, with Proposal Planning, the person being proposed to is NOT on the same page. They are not even on the same book. They have no idea what is going to happen, which way they should walk, how they should stand, how to react, how to dress, etc. And because of all of this, the Proposal Planner has to anticipate what she will do, how she will walk, where she will stand, how she will react and then have a plan B if she does not do any of that.

3) Requires Different Vendors Often

One thing that I love about Wedding Planning is that you can use the same vendors over and over again. You always need a venue, officiant, photographer, florist, musicians, and rental company. And with Proposal Planning, you do use some of the same vendors too. But as a Proposal Planner, you will be frequently asked to find vendors you have never worked with before. One day you may be researching a helicopter or private jet, the next day you are asked to find an opera singer, a fire dancer, or to rent baby pugs. You are just always on your toes with Proposal Planning, there is never a dull moment.

4) Demands A Different Marketing Strategy

The first 3 reasons I gave above are all in regards to how different it is to actually PLAN a proposal. The obvious elephant in the room is that before you can even start planning proposals, you have to adapt a completely different marketing strategy than what you use for Wedding Planning just to get the clients in the door.

And this is why most of Wedding Planners will throw in the towel and say, “I don’t have time,” “I don’t know how to market Proposal Planning,” “Or this sounds too hard.” But not you!

You are here because you are an innovator.

You take risks when you believe the risk will be rewarding.

So today, I challenge you to download my FREE “Top 3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Now” PDF. You see, there is a way to learn how to leverage your existing skills and apply it towards being a successful Proposal Planner and Proposal Planning marketer. All you need is a coach, a cheerleader, a mentor. And I got you!! I am confident once you see the benefits to adding Proposal Planning to your services, you will be motivated to make time to get started.

I wish I had a Proposal Planning Coach 10 years ago when I first started Proposal Planning. But I am passionate about sharing everything I know about Proposal Planning with you so that you can learn from my mistakes and launch quickly.