How To Establish Yourself As The Expert In Your Field

This week one of my companies, The Heart Bandits, was featured in Brides Magazine. The article was called, “6 Major Proposal Mistakes to Avoid, According to Experts.” In the article, I am cited as the expert in Proposal Planning. Every time an article like this comes out, at least one of my peers shoots me a text or email to ask me how I got featured in XYZ. And my answer to them is that the magazines, websites, and media COME TO ME!

But it wasn’t always that way. There are a lot of things that I had to do to establish myself as an expert in the Proposal Planning and Pop-Up Wedding Industry. I teach you many of these steps in my courses that are going to be LIVE in February!! Sign up for the waitlist here.

For now, here are 3 free tips on how you can establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Actually Become An Expert

This may seem obvious but when wondering how you can get featured in media, you have to really ask yourself, “Am I actually the most knowledgeable person in my field about this subject matter?” If not, you need to become one. Take courses on the subject matter, read all of the blogs and interviews you can find, follow all the leaders in the industry on social media, and stay on top of all of the trends. If you are in a competitive space, try to niche down so that you are the expert at a specific niche in your market. Or become an expert in your field in your city specifically. That way, when someone starts looking for an expert in your field or area, they are lead to you.

Show Your Expertise

Once you feel like you truly are the expert in your industry, start showing that off in your social media and blogs. When you start sharing valuable tips and content on social media, so many great things happen. You start to seem like an expert in your field, people start sharing your content, people start following you, and most importantly, people start seeking you out when they are in need of your services or when they want to feature your service in the press.

By now, you know I am a HUGE believer in the power of SEO. When clients or journalists look for an expert in your field, they are looking in one of two places; Google or Social Media. I’ve already talked about showing your expertise on social media. To show your expertise on your website, you are going to blog about your expertise in a way that benefits your reader. In turn, you will eventually establish yourself as an expert to Google who will start rewarding you with rankings. SEO tips and tricks is a huge focus in my courses for this specific reason.

Get Media

The most powerful way to show you are an expert in your field is to be published somewhere. If you can get featured in major media, you will instantly have clout not just with your clients but with other media. And it completely snowballs. For example, I got featured in New York Times very early on after I started my business. Did I get clients from that interview? Absolutely. But what’s more is the other big things happened. Good Morning America saw the article and wanted to interview me. Hotels saw it and wanted to partner with me. When you finally get a major piece of media, a lot of things can change.

And that is why one of the Modules in my courses focuses on how to get media. Because getting media can create such big opportunities for your business. And the truth is, it really isn’t that hard to get.

How Big Is The Proposal Planning Market?

I know what some of you are thinking. How big of a market can Proposal Planning really be? After all, you need to know the possibilities before you decide if you want to make the leap to add Proposal Planning to your Wedding services right? Or to decide to start your own Proposal Planning business, correct?

Well, I have great news. The market is HUGE. Here is a screenshot of how many “ACTIVE” inquires I have right now. You read it right, almost 1,000!

To understand why Proposal Planning is in such huge demand, you should probably know the history of how we got here today. I don’t have to tell you how many people get married a year. If you are in the Wedding Industry, you likely already know that. You probably already know that each of those couple’s get engaged, normally through a marriage proposal. This is nothing new though, so why all of the sudden are people hiring Proposal Planners?

The craze all started with social media. 20 years ago, when someone proposed to their partner, only their closest friends heard about it. But now, when someone proposes, they put photos and videos of it on Instagram, Youtube, etc. This is all searchable online so NOW, when a person proposes, they head to the internet or social media to look for proposal ideas and they see all of these crazy, elaborate proposals. They know that their partner’s are also seeing these types of proposals and will want one like it. And most of these clients can’t plan an elaborate proposal by themselves…which is why they turn to a Proposal Planner.

Hiring a Proposal Planner is getting as common for men as hiring a Wedding Planner is for women. And the industry is growing. When I started The Heart Bandits in 2010, there were 3 Proposal Planners in the world. Now there are over 10x that and it is growing every day. Do you want to learn more about Proposal Planning? Sign up for my FREE resources below. And don’t forget to sign up for the Proposal Planning Formula™ waitlist here. I am hosting my FREE Masterclass in just 2 weeks and you won’t want to miss it. Sign up for the Waitlist and be the first to know about it!

When Is The Best Time To Start Offering Proposal Planning Services?

I was inspired to write this blog post by a few of my social media followers. Over the last year, I have been emailed by several potential Proposal Planners and they have been asking me the same question. When is the best time to start offering Proposal Planning services? One of my followers is in college finishing her degree and asked me, “Should I get started now if I am still in school?” A busy mom emailed me wondering if she could pull it off with young kids at home.

And I completely get it because I have been there before. When I started The Heart Bandits, I had a six figure corporate job and I was only 30. I kept thinking, should I really blow this business up and walk away from my “secure” corporate job when I am already this far up and I have 30-40 more working years left? I remember when I had my daughter, I thought, “how can I pull off raising a child and running my own business?”

But I am here to tell you that all of that self-talk is just your brain’s way of making you think that it is ok to put this off. Because if you put it off, you don’t have to face any of the unknowns that you will face as an entrepreneur. But what your brain isn’t telling you is that by putting it off, you also don’t get to experience all of the amazing and rewarding things that entrepreneurship, and more specifically Proposal Planning, can bring to your life.

When I worked a six figure job, I:

Worked 40+ hours a week to make someone else rich

Had to request time off to be able to visit family or travel

Would have had to go back to work after maternity leave when my time ran out, NOT when I was ready

Was always worried about job security

But since I took the leap of faith and started my own Proposal Planning biz, I:

Set my own schedule and every minute I spend on my business goes into MY pocket

I earn a MULTIPLE six figure income

I go on vacation when I want

I spend as much time with my children as I want

So back to the question. When is the right time to start offering Proposal Planning services? The truth is, there is NEVER going to be the perfect time. There will always be reasons why you “should not start now” or reasons you should wait. So what you MUST do, is do it NOW.

Just get started. Even if it takes you a while to launch, at least if you get started now you will be working towards something that is yours. And the very first step to building your own six figure Proposal Planning business, is simply getting started.

The right time to start offering Proposal Planning services is NOW. The industry is growing, the demand is high, the money is on the table. Take it!

Want to find out the top reasons why you need to start offering Proposal Planning? Download my FREE resources below.

How To Get Your First Proposal Client

When you are getting ready to add Proposal Planning to your existing services or starting your own Proposal Planning business, one of your first fears will be how you will get your first client. Any entrepreneur feels that way when they start something new.

I was once there myself. When I started The Heart Bandits 11 years ago, no one had even heard of Proposal Planning. So I not only had the stress of finding a new client, but I had to do it when no one had heard of what I was doing. There wasn’t even Instagram or Pinterest back then!

Lucky for you, things are much easier now. Hiring a Proposal Planner is now accepted and guys are eager to get the help you will be offering. So how do you find your first client? There are several ways you can get leads and score your first client. Here are a few:

Reach Out To Your Network

Since you may not have an audience yet, one thing you can do is ask everyone you know if they know of anyone that is proposing soon. You could offer your services for free or at a discounted rate in exchange for using their photos on your website and social media. Normally I would never say to work for free, but when you need photos to start showing social proof, this is an amazing way to get it done.

Introduce Yourself

Send an email or call vendors in your area that would come into contact with your target audience. For example, a jewelry store that sells engagement rings is going to be in constant contact with people that are about to propose. Reach out to them and let them know you are a Proposal Planner. Ask them if you can bring some cards by or offer them a special rate if they refer clients to you.

Utilize Social Media

Correctly utilizing social media can get you clients fast. For example, if you post a photo of a proposal and use a hashtag that is popular (but not so popular that your post will get lost quickly), you will instantly be put in front of perspective clients that are searching for that hashtag. Don’t have a photo of a proposal you have planned? No worries! You can use a stock image and give proposal advice in the post. Or you can create an ad about your Proposal Planning services in Canva so when they search for that hashtag, they will find your services.

Remember, the hardest part is getting your FIRST client. But once you do get that first client and you start having proof of your work, it can really spiral for you there. Download my FREE Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy here.

I have a couple more FREE resources for you below.

How Getting Featured In Media Can Boost Your Biz

My absolute favorite module of my Proposal Planning course is “Getting Featured In Media.” Why? Well because getting featured in media can really boost your business in ways you may not even know about. I want to talk about some of the ways that being featured in media can really boost your biz.

First, let me define “media.” Media is the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively. So this means TV, radio, print, and Internet.

When you are featured in media, there are 3 things that can happen that can really boost your biz:

1. Potential Clients Will See The Media

This is probably the number one reason people hope to get PR. When you are featured in a major media outlet, you are going to get your name in front of potential clients. Some of them may contact you right after the feature and some of them will save your information for later. They may even tell their friends about your services weeks or months later in conversation. So the more media exposure you get, the more potential clients will hear about you. Now this is an amazing benefit to be featured in the media, but not the only one.

2. Potential Partners Will See The Media

One of the things that typically happens when you are featured in the media that you may NOT think about is that potential partners will see the media. Now what do I mean by this? Well let’s look at my business The Heart Bandits. After I was featured in New York Times, I had restaurants, jewelry stores, and many other vendors reaching out to me. They emailed me to say they saw my feature and they wanted to collaborate with me. Creating a partnership can not only boost your sales, but can get you in front of a whole new audience.

3. Other Media Outlets Will See The Media

Unless you have been featured in a lot of media, this may never even cross your mind. But when you are featured in major media, there is a high probability that other media outlets will see it. Again, let’s take my company as an example. After I was featured in Good Morning America, I was contacted by the Oprah Network, Time Magazine, and LA Times. They wanted to feature me as well!

All of these reasons are EXACTLY why I urge all of my students to try to get media when they launch their Proposal Planning businesses or services. Not only that, but I walk them through my PROVEN techniques on how to get featured. And believe me, they work.

Just ask my student Jasmine from Jasmine Rose Events who just emailed me that she is going to be featured in The Boston Globe and she JUST LAUNCHED!!!!

If you want to find out how starting a Proposal Planning business can transform your life, download my FREE guide here:

What is the ONE thing you need to know to about Proposal Planning?

to know the ONE thing you need to know about Proposal Planning to be successful? Of course you do! And I am so honored to be in a position to be able to share that with you.

When I first started Proposal Planning 10 years ago, there were absolutely no resources out there for me.

There were no mentors, no courses, no content ideas, no guidance whatsoever. I had to figure out how to do everything on my own.

After spending a decade planning over 4,000 proposals and earning 7 figures doing so, I can say with absolute confidence that if you want to be successful at Proposal Planning, there is one thing you must understand…

Marketing to the Proposer!

I see so many mistakes from other Proposal Planners in this area. There is a misconception that simply putting up proposal pictures and saying you’re a Proposal Planner is enough and that if you do that, clients will just start pouring in.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you want to succeed at being a Proposal Planner, you must truly understand the Proposer. You need to understand their wants, their fears, and what motivates them to buy. And I know just how to do that. If that interests you, I have a great FREE resource for you. Download my Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy here.

If you want me to show you how to set up your Proposal Planning business step-by-step AND teach you my effective marketing strategies, then join the Complete Proposal Planning Blueprint™ waitlist below.

Join the Waitlist here

Join my Private Proposal Planning Community

3 Myths About Becoming A Proposal Planner – Debunked

marriage proposal Las Vegas
marriage proposal Las Vegas

While many entrepreneurs see the value of offering Proposal Planning services right away, some don’t think that Proposal Planning is for them. And of course, Proposal Planning is NOT for everyone.

However, if you are not adding Proposal Planning services because you think there is not enough money to be made in the industry, you don’t think you can handle more clients, or you don’t want to look like a jack of all trades, I challenge you to read this blog with an open mind.

Below, I will examine each of these myths in detail and debunk each of them.

Myth #1: There is not enough money to be made by Proposal Planning

This is outright false! I earn a multiple six figure salary each year just by planning marriage proposals. The truth is, the Proposal Planning industry is growing and there is no better time to stake your claim in it.

Think of it this way, for almost every person that plans a wedding, they had a proposal first. And not only can you INCREASE your revenue by adding Proposal Planning, you can increase your wedding leads by earning the trust of the client BEFORE they get engaged. That means you can earn even more revenue once they book you for your wedding planning services!

Myth #2: I will look like a jack of all trades

I have heard this concern before and I get the logic behind it. Wedding Planners worry if they say they are a Proposal Planner too, that their wedding audience may get turned off. But the truth is, if you go into it with a plan and make sure there is an appropriate balance, it will NOT turn off your audience. In fact, I think it makes you stand out.

Imagine for a moment that you are a bride and you have looked at 10 Wedding Planner Instagram accounts. They are all starting to look like a sea of veils and altars. And then “POP” you see a glam proposal and it makes you stop scrolling. I think it can actually be a benefit if done correctly. In my Proposal Planning Formula™ course, I teach you exactly how to do that!

Myth #3: I won’t be able to handle more clients

Is this not the ultimate problem to have? If you don’t put much energy into Proposal Planning, you aren’t going to have so much of a workload you can’t keep up with it. But if you make it a consistent part of your strategy, you will get consistent revenue and you can hire a junior planner or even an intern to help with the proposals. This is not a bad problem to have, you just have to have a strategy in place before it happens.

If you think you may want to become a Proposal Planner or leverage the Proposal Planning industry, I have some free resources for you!

Private Community – Proposal Planning Academy Tribe

Top 3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Services Now

Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy

How To Be Inclusive In Your Proposal Planning Marketing

LGBTQ marriage proposal
LGBTQ marriage proposal

June is Pride Month, and it is the perfect opportunity to talk about inclusion. When you plan marriage proposals, the majority of your clients will be men proposing to women. However, you will also have same sex couples asking you for your services and you want to make sure that your messaging feels inclusive to them as well.

One thing that has always made me sad and cringe is when a person asks me, “You are ok with same sex couples right?” It literally hurts my heart that someone has to ASK if I am OK with THEIR choice on who they love. So I really do my best to use gender neutral pronouns in my marketing on my website, The Heart Bandits.

I am not always perfect, but when I am writing copy on my Proposal Planning website, I try to always say “they” instead of “he” or “she.” And I always try to say “partner” instead of “girlfriend.” It doesn’t make any difference to the heterosexual couple, but it makes ALL the difference when someone from the LGBTQ community is reading my messaging and doesn’t feel alienated.

Here is an example of how I do it! Let’s take The Heart Bandit’s Mission Statement for example:

“Our mission is to create a marriage proposal that is as unique as your love story.  We ensure that when your partner experiences their proposal, they know that it was created just for them and more importantly, it was created by you.  To do that, we use a holistic approach in our proposal planning.  We don’t just focus on your partner and what they would like, we also focus on what makes you unique as a couple.  We also take great care to focus on what is unique about you, the Proposer, so that the proposal is truly reflective of your style and persona.

See how easy that is? Just a small change in your marketing can really make a difference for someone else.

If you want to learn more tips on how to market to the proposer, I am actually doing a Facebook Live on Tuesday, June 16th at 10am PST. Here is a link and you can set up a reminder.

My goal is to teach Wedding Planners and Entrepreneurs how to market to the client looking to propose to their partner. I am a Proposal Planning coach that has been planning proposals for a decade and now I am here to help you get started on your Proposal Planning journey. If you are ready to get serious about starting your Proposal Planning company or adding it on as a service, I have created a completely FREE resource for you called, “4 Things You Can Start Doing TODAY To Start Proposal Planning.”

I can’t wait to see what you do with what you learn!

5 Reasons To Take Advantage Of The Quarantine & Level Up Your Wedding Business

I hear it all the time, “I want to start offering Proposal Planning services, but I just don’t have the time.” And believe me, I get it. I too am a very busy entrepreneur and under normal circumstances, would have had a hard time even finding time to post on Instagram, let alone launching a new service. But you and I have been given a gift during this quarantine, the gift of time. And what better way to use this time than to level up our business and do something that could earn an additional stream of revenue that can last for the life of your business. Here are 4 reasons that you need to take advantage of this downtime and expand on your wedding services:

1. Now Is The Perfect Time To Get Focused

Before you start offering a new service, you really need to get focused and figure out the best approach to adding the service to your wedding business. If you were right in the middle of wedding season, when would you have time to do this? Chances are, you wouldn’t. It would get put on your endless “to-do list” that gets longer every day, and may never ever take off. Use this time to get laser focused on adding Proposal Planning services to your existing brand because you will never get this moment back and never have this type of an opportunity again.

2. Opportunity To Take A Course

When your business is in full swing, do you really have time to take courses to expand on your knowledge and grow your business? I know I never do. So now that you have more free time, you can enroll in courses which will help you add a new service to your wedding business. Whether you sign up for Proposal Planning training or just a course on how to grow your Instagram account, the investment you make into your business right now will pay off in the long run.

3. You Have More Time To Launch

Launching any new service can take some time. You have to come up with a strategy, add the new service to your website, update all of your social media and more. If you were trying to do this during Wedding Season, it would take a LOT longer than it would take if you were to get started now. Even though you still have work to do and you still have marketing to manage for your Wedding business, you do have more time than you would normally have. So use this time to move closer to your goals. If you are craving growth and you want to diversify your income, it is the perfect time to add another service to your Wedding Planning. And I believe that perfect service is Proposal Planning.

4. You Have Time To Create Content

Another potentially time consuming aspect of launching a new service is creating the content to promote it. But during this situation, don’t you find that you have a little more time than you typically do? If so, it is the perfect time to start creating content for the new service that you are launching. Take this time to create content in advance and get it all scheduled. That way, when the quarantine lifts and you get back to your normal busy self, the content will already be in place and can start working for you!

5. More People Are Online

The top reason that you should launch a new service during the quarantine is because right now, more people are online than they ever will be again. Millions of people are quarantined and spending way more time online as a result. Which makes this a very unique opportunity to promote your new service to your target audience. All eyes will be on you as you announce your new service and start to target your new audience. If you target some really great keywords and hashtags, your visibility could go through the roof due to how many people are online these days.

This also gives you an opportunity to network with other professionals that can help you grow your new service. For example, if you are going to launch Proposal Planning services, you can use this time to reach out to other companies that you want to build relationships with. Chances are, business is slow for them right now too and they will welcome the opportunity to network with a new vendor.

If adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business intrigues you, then I encourage you to head over to and grab one of our FREE DOWNLOADS.  In them, we discusses the Top 3 Reasons You Should Start Offering Proposal Planning NOW and 5 Reasons That Proposal Planning and Wedding Planning Is The “Perfect Marriage.”  This will help you find out if adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business could be right for you.  I hope to see you there!

Why Proposal Planning Is On The Rise

how to be a proposal planner
how to be a proposal planner

I remember starting The Heart Bandits, my marriage proposal planning company.  I started it back in 2010 and every time I would tell someone that I was a Proposal Planner, they would laugh or roll their eyes.  “A PROPOSAL Planner?” they would ask in a mocking tone, “People actually PAY you for that?”.  My husband and I would be interviewed by media and people would leave mean comments about how Proposal Planning was a joke and that no one in their right mind would pay for such a service.

Fast forward 10 years later and hiring a Proposal Planner is now a social norm and the industry is growing faster than I can believe.  Daily, I receive emails from lovers of love asking me how to become a Proposal Planner.  They contact me from around the world telling me that they want to start a Proposal Planning company in Colombia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc. and they want me to teach them how to do it.

But WHY is the industry growing so fast and why should you claim your stake in it now? Here are the 3 reasons the industry is blowing up!

1) Social Media Influence 

Before social media, if someone proposed to their partner, only their closest friends would know how that person proposed.  Let me tell you, things have absolutely changed!  Now, when you propose, getting a photo of the moment is expected.  Having a videographer shoot it is even better.  And that photo or video will make its way to Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook, where it can be viewed by thousands or even millions of people.  How has this contributed to the rise of Proposal Planners?  Well, now there are thousands of examples on social media showing how people have proposed.  The would be “proposer” sees how his peers are proposing and it puts pressure on him to make sure his proposal is equally as good or better.  The would be “proposee” is also on social media and she is seeing how her peers are getting engaged.  Her expectations of her own proposal increase and again, more pressure is put on the proposer.  He wonders, “How will I come up with a better idea?”  “Do I have the resources to pull off something that epic?”  He starts researching how to pull this all off and that leads him to….you guessed it….a Proposal Planner!

2) Acceptance of Proposal Planning

Another hurdle I had to face when I first started my company was that men were worried how their partner would feel if they hired a Proposal Planner.  They were worried that they would be perceived as “not creative enough” or “not romantic” when that couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth.  In fact, they were creative and romantic enough to try to find a resource to make sure their proposal was impactful and memorable.  With the rise of social media and grand marriage proposals becoming commonplace, it has now become accepted that for someone to pull off an epic proposal, they are going to need some assistance. And truthfully, many of my clients hear about me FROM their partners.  Because hiring a Proposal Planner is an accepted norm, the demand for Proposal Planners is rising and the industry is on fire!

3) Media Attention of Proposal Planners

Several times a year I am contacted by major media outlets to collaborate with them about Proposal Planning articles and stories.  And every single time a Proposal Planning article is featured in the media, I notice 2 things.  One, I get a TON of new inquiries from potential clients that saw my article in the media and want to find out how I can help them propose.  Two, I get several inquiries from people that want to find out how they can become a marriage proposal planner and if I can assist them.  This is yet another contributing factor to the growth of the industry.

Now that you know the reasons the industry is growing so quickly, why should you start offering Proposal Planning services right away?  I think the question is, why would you NOT?  The industry is new enough that you could get started now and become a MAJOR player, but it is also seasoned enough that you don’t have to climb the uphill battle that I did to get noticed.  

If starting a career in Proposal Planning intrigues you, then I encourage you to head over to and grab one of our FREE DOWNLOADS.  In them, we discusses the Top 3 Reasons You Should Start Offering Proposal Planning NOW and 5 Reasons That Proposal Planning and Wedding Planning is the perfect marriage.  This will help you find out if adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business could be right for you.  I hope to see you there!