A Mistake I Made That Cost Me Thousands

When I started one of the world’s first Proposal Planning companies 11 years ago, I made a lot of mistakes. After all, I didn’t have a mentor. There were no resources out there to help me get started. And there were certainly no courses out there to teach me the best way to get clients.

So I spent several years NOT doing something that I now know could have earned me thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars. And that one thing is, having an email list. What is an email list? An email list is a collection of emails that you have received through your inquiries.

Why Do You Need An Email List?

Potential clients will come to you at all different phases in the buying cycle. Here are the 4 stages of the buying cycle:

  1. Awareness – This happens when a client finds your website and your marketing educates them that they have a problem.
  2. Consideration – At this phase, they know they have a problem and they are considering their options
  3. Intent – During this stage, they are ready to make a decision
  4. Purchase- They are ready to make a purchase

Why Does This Matter?

It matters because that means if a client visits your website at any stage in the buying cycle OTHER than when they are ready to purchase, there is a chance that they will browse your site and move on. They may never return again. However, if you capture their email, you can continue to market to them and nurture that lead. This ensures that when they are ready to purchase, you are in the forefront of their mind.

Interested in learning more about selling pop-up wedding packages or becoming a proposal planner? Download one of my FREE resources below.

How To Get Your First Proposal Client

When you are getting ready to add Proposal Planning to your existing services or starting your own Proposal Planning business, one of your first fears will be how you will get your first client. Any entrepreneur feels that way when they start something new.

I was once there myself. When I started The Heart Bandits 11 years ago, no one had even heard of Proposal Planning. So I not only had the stress of finding a new client, but I had to do it when no one had heard of what I was doing. There wasn’t even Instagram or Pinterest back then!

Lucky for you, things are much easier now. Hiring a Proposal Planner is now accepted and guys are eager to get the help you will be offering. So how do you find your first client? There are several ways you can get leads and score your first client. Here are a few:

Reach Out To Your Network

Since you may not have an audience yet, one thing you can do is ask everyone you know if they know of anyone that is proposing soon. You could offer your services for free or at a discounted rate in exchange for using their photos on your website and social media. Normally I would never say to work for free, but when you need photos to start showing social proof, this is an amazing way to get it done.

Introduce Yourself

Send an email or call vendors in your area that would come into contact with your target audience. For example, a jewelry store that sells engagement rings is going to be in constant contact with people that are about to propose. Reach out to them and let them know you are a Proposal Planner. Ask them if you can bring some cards by or offer them a special rate if they refer clients to you.

Utilize Social Media

Correctly utilizing social media can get you clients fast. For example, if you post a photo of a proposal and use a hashtag that is popular (but not so popular that your post will get lost quickly), you will instantly be put in front of perspective clients that are searching for that hashtag. Don’t have a photo of a proposal you have planned? No worries! You can use a stock image and give proposal advice in the post. Or you can create an ad about your Proposal Planning services in Canva so when they search for that hashtag, they will find your services.

Remember, the hardest part is getting your FIRST client. But once you do get that first client and you start having proof of your work, it can really spiral for you there. Download my FREE Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy here.

I have a couple more FREE resources for you below.

Avoid This Mistake That Can Cost You Thousands

There is one mistake I see aspiring Proposal Planners make time and time again. This is a mistake that can cost you thousands of dollars AND waste weeks or months of your time. That mistake is……signing up for a Wedding Course or Wedding Certificate program.

Now don’t get me wrong, if you are hoping to be a Wedding Planner then these courses might be just what you need. But a Wedding Course will simply NOT teach you how to be a Proposal Planner. Proposal Planning is its own specialty and if you are going to learn how to be a Proposal Planner, you need to learn FROM a Proposal Planner.

Here are the ways that Proposal Planning is very different than Wedding Planning

  1. Completely Different Target Market – Wedding Planners typically target females and brides. You will be targeting males.
  2. Different Marketing Strategy – I have spent 10 years marketing to the proposal client and believe me when I say, marketing to guys is completely different than marketing to a bride.
  3. Each Event Is Different- A Wedding typically follows the same itinerary. There is a ceremony then a reception with cake cutting, dancing, bouquet toss, etc. With proposals, things are always different. One day I am organizing a 50 person flash mob, the next day I am organizing a helicopter landing on a skyscraper, and the next working with the cast of The Nutcracker to create the perfect ballet proposal.

This is why it is CRITICAL that you learn how to be a Proposal Planner from a Proposal Planner. To get started, I have some free resources for you below.

What is the ONE thing you need to know to about Proposal Planning?

to know the ONE thing you need to know about Proposal Planning to be successful? Of course you do! And I am so honored to be in a position to be able to share that with you.

When I first started Proposal Planning 10 years ago, there were absolutely no resources out there for me.

There were no mentors, no courses, no content ideas, no guidance whatsoever. I had to figure out how to do everything on my own.

After spending a decade planning over 4,000 proposals and earning 7 figures doing so, I can say with absolute confidence that if you want to be successful at Proposal Planning, there is one thing you must understand…

Marketing to the Proposer!

I see so many mistakes from other Proposal Planners in this area. There is a misconception that simply putting up proposal pictures and saying you’re a Proposal Planner is enough and that if you do that, clients will just start pouring in.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

If you want to succeed at being a Proposal Planner, you must truly understand the Proposer. You need to understand their wants, their fears, and what motivates them to buy. And I know just how to do that. If that interests you, I have a great FREE resource for you. Download my Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy here.

If you want me to show you how to set up your Proposal Planning business step-by-step AND teach you my effective marketing strategies, then join the Complete Proposal Planning Blueprint™ waitlist below.

Join the Waitlist here

Join my Private Proposal Planning Community

Do you have what it takes to be a Proposal Planner?

Being a Proposal Planner seems like it is all glitz and glamour. You see these really amazing proposals on Instagram and you think, “Wow, that looks like such a fun job!”

And it IS a fun job.

But the truth is, being a Proposal Planner is not for the faint at heart. It takes a special skill set and it is NOT for everybody. Find out if you have what it takes to be a Proposal Planner. Here are the top traits of a successful Proposal Planner:

Detail Oriented

Paying attention to even the smallest detail is probably the most important skill of a Proposal Planner. A marriage proposal is a once-in-a-lifetime event and there are no do overs. When you plan a proposal, you need to plan it perfectly – right down to the very last detail.


Being organized is a critical skill for being a Proposal Planner. You are going to be juggling multiple vendors and be in charge of many moving parts. If you are not organized, something could fall through the cracks.

Think Quick

Being able to think quickly will serve you well in the Proposal Planning world. When a huge gust of wind blows over your framed proposal message and the glass shatters, what do you do? You have to be able to problem solve very quickly if you want to succeed planning marriage proposals.


You are going to be working with many professional organizations and vendors so you need to be sure you have a professional demeanor. You should have excellent oral and writing skills and be able to communicate effectively.


Being assertive is another important attribute that a Proposal Planner needs. Imagine that you arrive to the area you have a permit for and someone is already there with their whole family having a picnic. Time to firmly and politely ask them to clear out for your event!

Work Well With Others

This is another priceless skill. You will need to manage a whole team of proposal vendors and communicate with them in a manner that gets exactly what you need done, when you need it. Being personable goes a long way towards getting what you want.

Now if you have read this blog and you have decided that you would be a great Proposal Planner, it’s time to get started. I will be launching my Complete Proposal Planning Blueprint to walk you through how to be a Proposal Planner step by step. Be the first to know about it by joining the waitlist here.

proposal planner tips

Until then, here are some FREE resources to help you along the way!

4 Things You Can Start Doing Right Away To Start Proposal Planning now!

Join my Private Proposal Planning Community

A $70K Marriage Proposal

marriage proposal planning teacher

As a Proposal Planning coach, I want to both educate and inspire you. I hope this blog does both. Some people don’t realize just how much money there is in Proposal Planning.  Sure, there are simple proposals out there which will require you to set up rose petals and candles.  And for those, the profit margin isn’t super high. There are also lovely custom proposals that you plan where your profit margin can be one to two thousand dollars.  But if you plan a luxury proposal, your profit margin can be extremely high.

Take Christian for example. He hired my company, The Heart Bandits, to plan his epic marriage proposal.  He is involved with the Pittsburgh Steelers and he had an unlimited budget. He really wanted his girlfriend to get taken on a journey for her proposal.  He didn’t just want her to walk out into a room and see a nice proposal set up.  He wanted it to be a multi-level experience that was different from anything he had seen.  

He also had one special request.  He wanted a rare Christian Louboutin bag presented to her before he proposed.  I must have called every Christian Louboutin store in America for that bag….but I got it!

proposal planner education

Now, on to the Proposal Planning.  Christian and his partner are used to traveling the world.  In fact, travel is a huge part of their story.  So we presented him the concept of a “Jet Setter” theme and he loved. it.  First, we rented out one of the most incredible rooftop gardens in Manhattan.  We stationed a butler right near the elevator to greet the couple with Champagne.  When they arrived on the rooftop, we had an orchestra playing under an Eiffel Tower replica built of moss and lights.  When the couple walked out of the elevator, she was completely floored as the orchestra played “All Of Me,” by John Legend.

be a proposal planner

After the orchestra serenaded the couple, Christian lead her through hundreds of stunning red and pink florals and to a faux grass wall fashioned after a Parisian cafe.  Displayed on the wall were large canvases of the couple on some of their travels together.  After spending some time there, they walked out onto the garden and a string quartet began playing. It’s then, the couple passed a replica of a Venetian gondola with roses spilling out of it.  This was to represent their travels to Italy.

wedding proposal planning

Christian escorted her over to some beautifully displayed Louis Vuitton luggage where she found a surprise gift.  The gift contained the rare handbag I was able to find which was Mexican themed and represented their travels to Mexico.  Finally, he walked her over to the pool where we had a custom monogrammed proposal message at the bottom of the pool that said, “Will You Travel The World With Me Forever?”  The pool was lined with gorgeous candles and rose petals. Christian proposed and she of course said, “YES!”

teach me to be a proposal planner

After the proposal, we transformed the garden for an intimate dinner for the couple to share.  The dinner was catered and came with a waiter to make sure they had a one-of-a-kind experience. The string quartet continued to play as the couple enjoyed their celebratory dinner.

proposal planning education
proposal planning school

Now, I know what you are thinking.  You’re thinking “Whoa, if he spent that much on a proposal, what would he spend on the wedding?”  And that is exactly what I am here to point out to you, and exactly what I want you to think about.  Really let that sink in.  If he spent $70K on a proposal, what would he spend on a wedding? And what if YOU were both the Proposal Planner AND the Wedding Planner for him?

If you have the opportunity to not only earn a significant amount of revenue for planning a luxury proposal, AND you get to earn the trust of a couple before they get engaged, why wouldn’t you? If you could have a built in lead in to be their wedding planner, why would you not take it?

And that is exactly what Proposal Planning can offer you.  It can not only increase your revenue and diversify your income.  It can provide you more leads for your wedding planning business. To find out more information on why I think you need to get started Proposal Planning right away, download our freebie below.

Download the FREE Top 3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Now here.

We have another great FREE resource for you too that will come in handy when you are ready to get started Proposal Planning.  It’s called the 4 Branded Resources You Must Create To Start Offering Proposal Planning.

If you are ready to learn how to be a Proposal Planner, sign up for our email list below so we can send you more curated content and tips.  

After planning proposals for over 10 years, my company runs itself so I have decided to teach others how to become a Proposal Planner. And I am truly passionate about helping entrepreneurs and Wedding Planners LEVEL UP and start offering Marriage Proposal Planning services using profitable action steps and my proven SEO & Marketing strategies. I will be launching a FREE webinar soon as well as a course. But for now, I hope this blog inspires you.

proposal planning coach

Proposal Planning: The Heart Bandits

Florals & Rentals: Martin Jobes Design

Photography: Michael Justin Studios