Mistakes To Avoid When Creating All Inclusive Packages

With both my Proposal Planning and Pop-Up Wedding businesses (The Heart Bandits and Pop The Knot,) I sell all inclusive packages.  These packages are responsible for a considerable part of my multiple six figure income, so I know a thing or two about creating them.  

Yet I see so many wedding professionals doing it wrong. So I thought today I would talk about the mistakes that you should avoid when you are creating all inclusive packages.

1. Offering Too Many Items

My business mentor told me years ago, “a confused mind doesn’t buy,” and it is so true. While you might think that the more things you add, the more money you can make; too many choices can actually be a turnoff to the buyer. So you want to be cautious of offering everything and the kitchen sink.

2. Not Charging Enough

Another mistake I see is that people don’t charge enough for the packages. When creating the packages, wedding professionals get nervous when they start tallying up all the costs and so they cut back on their profit to make the package “more affordable” to the client. However, your job isn’t to make the packages “more affordable.” Your job is to provide enough value that your fee and the overall cost of your package is worth the price you are charging.

3. Overcomplicating The Offering

Some wedding professionals spend a lot of time creating these really grand ways of showcasing the package. But we all know, sometimes less is more. The client really just wants to know what you are selling and how it will benefit them. You don’t need a bunch of bells and whistles to explain that, just keep it simple and straightforward.

Are you thinking about offering pop-up wedding packages or proposal packages? If so, download my FREE resources here.

Free Download, “3 Reasons You Must Add Proposal Planning Services To Your Business Now.”

Free Download, “The Ultimate Guide to Selling Pop-Up Wedding Packages.”

3 Myths About Becoming A Proposal Planner – Debunked

marriage proposal Las Vegas
marriage proposal Las Vegas

While many entrepreneurs see the value of offering Proposal Planning services right away, some don’t think that Proposal Planning is for them. And of course, Proposal Planning is NOT for everyone.

However, if you are not adding Proposal Planning services because you think there is not enough money to be made in the industry, you don’t think you can handle more clients, or you don’t want to look like a jack of all trades, I challenge you to read this blog with an open mind.

Below, I will examine each of these myths in detail and debunk each of them.

Myth #1: There is not enough money to be made by Proposal Planning

This is outright false! I earn a multiple six figure salary each year just by planning marriage proposals. The truth is, the Proposal Planning industry is growing and there is no better time to stake your claim in it.

Think of it this way, for almost every person that plans a wedding, they had a proposal first. And not only can you INCREASE your revenue by adding Proposal Planning, you can increase your wedding leads by earning the trust of the client BEFORE they get engaged. That means you can earn even more revenue once they book you for your wedding planning services!

Myth #2: I will look like a jack of all trades

I have heard this concern before and I get the logic behind it. Wedding Planners worry if they say they are a Proposal Planner too, that their wedding audience may get turned off. But the truth is, if you go into it with a plan and make sure there is an appropriate balance, it will NOT turn off your audience. In fact, I think it makes you stand out.

Imagine for a moment that you are a bride and you have looked at 10 Wedding Planner Instagram accounts. They are all starting to look like a sea of veils and altars. And then “POP” you see a glam proposal and it makes you stop scrolling. I think it can actually be a benefit if done correctly. In my Proposal Planning Formula™ course, I teach you exactly how to do that!

Myth #3: I won’t be able to handle more clients

Is this not the ultimate problem to have? If you don’t put much energy into Proposal Planning, you aren’t going to have so much of a workload you can’t keep up with it. But if you make it a consistent part of your strategy, you will get consistent revenue and you can hire a junior planner or even an intern to help with the proposals. This is not a bad problem to have, you just have to have a strategy in place before it happens.

If you think you may want to become a Proposal Planner or leverage the Proposal Planning industry, I have some free resources for you!

Private Community – Proposal Planning Academy Tribe

Top 3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Services Now

Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy

5 Reasons To Take Advantage Of The Quarantine & Level Up Your Wedding Business

I hear it all the time, “I want to start offering Proposal Planning services, but I just don’t have the time.” And believe me, I get it. I too am a very busy entrepreneur and under normal circumstances, would have had a hard time even finding time to post on Instagram, let alone launching a new service. But you and I have been given a gift during this quarantine, the gift of time. And what better way to use this time than to level up our business and do something that could earn an additional stream of revenue that can last for the life of your business. Here are 4 reasons that you need to take advantage of this downtime and expand on your wedding services:

1. Now Is The Perfect Time To Get Focused

Before you start offering a new service, you really need to get focused and figure out the best approach to adding the service to your wedding business. If you were right in the middle of wedding season, when would you have time to do this? Chances are, you wouldn’t. It would get put on your endless “to-do list” that gets longer every day, and may never ever take off. Use this time to get laser focused on adding Proposal Planning services to your existing brand because you will never get this moment back and never have this type of an opportunity again.

2. Opportunity To Take A Course

When your business is in full swing, do you really have time to take courses to expand on your knowledge and grow your business? I know I never do. So now that you have more free time, you can enroll in courses which will help you add a new service to your wedding business. Whether you sign up for Proposal Planning training or just a course on how to grow your Instagram account, the investment you make into your business right now will pay off in the long run.

3. You Have More Time To Launch

Launching any new service can take some time. You have to come up with a strategy, add the new service to your website, update all of your social media and more. If you were trying to do this during Wedding Season, it would take a LOT longer than it would take if you were to get started now. Even though you still have work to do and you still have marketing to manage for your Wedding business, you do have more time than you would normally have. So use this time to move closer to your goals. If you are craving growth and you want to diversify your income, it is the perfect time to add another service to your Wedding Planning. And I believe that perfect service is Proposal Planning.

4. You Have Time To Create Content

Another potentially time consuming aspect of launching a new service is creating the content to promote it. But during this situation, don’t you find that you have a little more time than you typically do? If so, it is the perfect time to start creating content for the new service that you are launching. Take this time to create content in advance and get it all scheduled. That way, when the quarantine lifts and you get back to your normal busy self, the content will already be in place and can start working for you!

5. More People Are Online

The top reason that you should launch a new service during the quarantine is because right now, more people are online than they ever will be again. Millions of people are quarantined and spending way more time online as a result. Which makes this a very unique opportunity to promote your new service to your target audience. All eyes will be on you as you announce your new service and start to target your new audience. If you target some really great keywords and hashtags, your visibility could go through the roof due to how many people are online these days.

This also gives you an opportunity to network with other professionals that can help you grow your new service. For example, if you are going to launch Proposal Planning services, you can use this time to reach out to other companies that you want to build relationships with. Chances are, business is slow for them right now too and they will welcome the opportunity to network with a new vendor.

If adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business intrigues you, then I encourage you to head over to  www.theheartbanditsacademy.com and grab one of our FREE DOWNLOADS.  In them, we discusses the Top 3 Reasons You Should Start Offering Proposal Planning NOW and 5 Reasons That Proposal Planning and Wedding Planning Is The “Perfect Marriage.”  This will help you find out if adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business could be right for you.  I hope to see you there!